Thursday, June 4, 2009

Oh SH...ugar

I curse too much.  WAY too fucking much.

Today my boss brought in her young daughter to work and not only do I not know at all how to interact with her (which doesn't bode well for my future teaching career) but I also keep cursing.  I cannot stop.  It's like the presence of a small child triggers a cursing instinct in me.

Even for the adult sphere I curse too much.  I have accidentally started fights with my boyfriend because I forget that cursing doesn't always add the lighthearted humor to a conversation I think it does.

I have also recently found out that a gibberish sound I make instead of cursing means "cocksucker" in korean.  I even curse by accident! Multi-lingually! 

So before I start working working with children (and for the sake of all my human interactions) I must cut back on the cursing.

Any suggestions of non-cursing interjections?

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