Saturday, June 20, 2009

First grade

I have found out where I will be placed for the first part of my student teaching in the fall!  

I will be with 1st graders.

This is a relief because my giant boyfriend had planted the idea in my head of the possibility that my students might be taller than me.  It is the rare 6 year old who breaks 5 feet so I am feeling (relatively) safe on that front. 

This has made me try to see what I remember from first grade:
I think I was starting to know how to read.

I shared a school birthday with Anna M.

My class was OBSESSED with Fiddler on the Roof. (Oy, jew school).

Ari stuck a pair of scissors (possibly) accidentally in Anna M's forehead.

We wrote books.  Or we would narrate and illustrate them and the teacher would write it down.

In one of those books (what makes me happy and what makes me sad) I wrote that "it makes me sad when my dad hits me" prompting the school to have a SERIOUS conversation with my father who would never even threaten to hit me.  I wonder what that was about. 

When learning about syllables I went to WAR over my belief that "Charles" has 2 syllables.  My first academic defeat.  I still have not forgotten it.

What do you guys remember about first grade that will help me prepare to face them come September?


  1. First grade was the era of "clubs." I liked joining clubs and starting clubs.
    There were cubbies.
    There was psychosexual overstimulation.
    Parents were still god.

  2. I told someone that my dad was Superman and that he would make them into mashed potatoes and peas.

    We were obsessed with Amy Grant, the Beach Boys, and other non-threatening music.

    I learned how to count to 10 in french.

    Not sure if this is actually helpful, but thats pretty much what I remember.

  3. i remember my teacher was kind and that her name was also jane. this made me love her more.

    be extra kind to the other emilies (plural emily?) in your class...i remeber her as a sort of mother teresa/joan of arc figure and maybe you will be too. but that could be part of being in catholic school. there's no telling what this new generation of heathen children will compare you to.

    also i enjoyed construction paper crafts.

  4. things i remember:
    sarah booz ripping her under arm open on a coat hook in bathroom stall. well- the part i remember is seeing sarah walking into the classroom crying and holding her arm up and i thought to myself "i don't remember sarah's shirt being tye dyed..." then realizing it was blood and wanting to vomit.

    my teacher ms. blackwell- i thought she was the nicest person alive. i'm not sure why.

    pretzels. i ate them a lot.
