Saturday, July 10, 2010

[late] anniversary post

A little over a year ago I started this blog while at a job completely unrelated to museums or children. A lot has changed in a year and while I haven't been the best at updating consistently I would like to do a quick general run down of the year and where I'm at now with the (probably unrealistic) idea that I will write more frequently.

I have started graduate school which I love. The school reflects the museum education field in that it is 99.99999% women. I also no longer have many male friends. To counterbalance this general lack of testosterone I have moved in with my boyfriend which more than compensates.

I student taught in the first and the fifth grades. The classes were both insane in unique and wonderful ways that I wish I better documented. Bottom line is: kids do say the darndest's true.

I was interning and then hired to lead school group tours at a museum that specializes in contemporary art as well as New York City history. I don't want to get more specific then that (Let's just call it Museum 1) but I think I can safely say that it is not The American Museum of Natural History.
And Yet... When I ask the school groups what they are expecting to see on their trip when they come to visit 7 times out of 10 someone will say: "DINOSAURS!"
Damn you AMNH for cornering the definition of museum.

I have also started referring to museums in short hand (I say A EM EN H when I am talking about the museum of natural history. I am that inside.

On Monday I begin work for family programs at a museum-mile art museum (extremely creative pseudonym: Museum 2) which I am very excited about but alas there are no dinosaurs there either so I will continue to perpetually let down children.

That's my update!
I am in a much better position now to write about children and art in a more meaningful way than I was a year here's hoping I actually do it.

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