Friday, September 11, 2009

Back to school!

I did not update this blog this summer as much as I wanted.
My excuses are work, finding a new apartment and moving in with my boyfriend (!), and taking a two week vacation with my family where we drove from San Francisco to Vancouver (which was awesome) none of which had very much to do with museum education.

But now... I'm back in the thick of it. Today I have homework I should be doing and the sudden urge to, I mean, be vigilant about my blog has struck me.

The biggest news is I started student teaching in the first grade this week.
For the first day I wanted to fit in and wore what I consider to be the universal uniform of the Progressive school elementary teacher:

Note the interesting vaguely indigenous/ hippie patterned shirt over black pants of irregular length and clunky black shoes. I felt the part. Now the task is acting like it.

Also, the first pearl of wisdom from one of the 5 year old boys in my classroom:
"Don't say 'stupid' because it's a bad word and if you say it no one will like you and no girl will want to marry you and you'll end up crying for the rest of your life...with your parents."

words to live by.

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